City Council Members
Mayor Don E. McCourt - 304-644-9605
City Recorder Elaine Green - 304-993-5912
City Clerk & Municipal Judge Nora Stout - 304-644-5987
Council Members:
Kevin Hamrick - 304-644-9943
Kevin Stout - 304-689-0374
Matt Pettry - 304-415-3636
Cheryl Rumney - 304-644-1544
Chuck Armentrout - 304-644-7403
Please feel free to contact the Mayor, The City Office or any of your council members for questions and concerns regarding your Town of Addison.
Regular Town Council Meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Please contact the Mayor's office during business hours if you wish to be put on the agenda.
By mail and e-mail
Contact us by mail at 146 McGraw Avenue Webster Springs, WV 26288
Suggestions and wishes
If you have any questions or wish to make a suggestion please fill out the form below